
Biomimetic processes in the development of new materials

Unlike the processes used by today's engineering, nature develops original materials with bottom-up (bottomup) and more energy efficient processes. At the same time, it has the ability to synthesize non-toxic,
multi-functional and environmentally responsive (sensitive) materials. We have prepared an infographic with information filtered from the "Biomimetic processes in the development of new materials" webinar, which is
about biomimetic materials and synthetic materials that follow a design motif derived by imitating nature.

Hidden Heroes in Energy Technologies Advanced Ceramics

To what extent does high-tech ceramics contribute or can contribute to meeting the global energy need, which is one of the most basic needs of our age, and to the development of new generation energy technologies? We continue to summarize the webinars we held around the "Future of Production and Discovery of New Materials" agenda. You can see the highlights of the "Hidden Heroes in Energy Technologies: Advanced Technology Ceramics" webinar in the infographic.

Innovative Materials and Processes in Industrial Additive Manufacturing

Where is the world today in additive manufacturing? What future awaits the 3D printing market? Is it possible to understand the opportunities in the 3D printing and additive manufacturing market? What technologies and applications does 3D printing cover? We have prepared an infographic with filtered information from the “Innovative Materials and Processes in Industrial Additive Manufacturing” webinar, answers to all questions and more. You can review: